Rebecca Salon is Principal Investigator on NDI’s Financial Engagement as a Gateway to Community Participation research grant and Senior Advisor on the LEAD Center/WIOA Policy Development Center. She was Project Director of the LEAD Center for more than six years, starting in 2013.
Dr. Salon is a recognized national leader in policy and program development with an emphasis on cutting-edge demonstrations that promote employment and economic self-sufficiency for individuals with significant disabilities. She has more than 25 years of experience with management of federally-funded projects and has more than 35 years of experience working with people across the spectrum of disabilities. Dr. Salon also works at the District of Columbia Department on Disability Services (DDS), where she is the lead for DC’s Employment First and other program initiatives through DDS’s developmental disabilities and vocational rehabilitation administrations. Almost all of her energies have focused on creating opportunities for employment, community inclusion, self-determination, and economic self-sufficiency for youth and adults.
Dr. Salon previously was Executive Director of the Lt. Joseph P. Kennedy Institute, where she worked for 20 years in positions that spanned all of its programs and projects. Since 1988, she has been an advisor to Project ACTION!, a Washington, D.C.-based statewide self-advocacy coalition run by adults with developmental disabilities, working with a number of family advocacy coalitions in DC and Maryland. Dr. Salon received her Master’s and Doctorate from Syracuse University, focusing on special education and disability policy studies. She also previously worked at its Center on Human Policy and in a number of other nonprofit management positions.