Taxes & Tax Preparation
Tax preparation is a way to engage taxpayers with disabilities in a larger conversation about financial wellness and economic advancement, including the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). National Disability Institute continues to work to increase Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) awareness and to build the capacity of tax coalitions to better serve taxpayers with disabilities, both in person and online.
Free Tax Preparation
What are the options and who is eligible?
There are many free tax preparation options available. On average, households with an adjusted gross income (AGI) of $73,000 or less may qualify for free tax preparation and filing using many different free tax preparation options both online and in person. Eligibility criteria can change from year to year, so be sure to check the options for eligibility with the service you choose.
70 Percent
Number of taxpayers (over 100 million) who have family incomes of $73,000 or less, and are eligible for free tax preparation.
Explore Resources Available for Download
Quick Reference Guides

ABLE Accounts and Tax-Time Savings
Taxes and Free Tax Preparation
Managing Money
Discover More: View all of NDI’s free Quick Reference Guides.
Free Tax Preparation
What are the options and who is eligible?
There are many free tax preparation options available. On average, households with an adjusted gross income (AGI) of $73,000 or less may qualify for free tax preparation and filing using many different free tax preparation options both online and in person. Eligibility criteria can change from year to year, so be sure to check the options for eligibility with the service you choose.
70 Percent
Number of taxpayers (over 100 million) who have family incomes of $73,000 or less, and are eligible for free tax preparation.
Explore Resources Available for Download
Quick Reference Guides

ABLE Accounts and Tax-Time Savings
Taxes and Free Tax Preparation
Managing Money
Discover More: View all of NDI’s free Quick Reference Guides.
Spreading the Word
Inform others about free tax preparation & Resources
Increasing awareness of free tax preparation options can be done online or on site, through social media or actual signage and other outreach efforts. Educating people with disabilities and other underserved populations about free tax preparation and the importance of filing a tax return also informs them about the benefits of tax credits like the Earned Income Tax Credit. Learn how to develop free tax preparation partnerships. Download free tax preparation materials. Provide free tax prep to employees. There are many resources and many ways to spread the word.
Helping Others
How easy is it to develop a free tax preparation program on site?
Understanding what free tax preparation is and promoting it are great first steps. However, you may want to expand your outreach to include providing free in-person tax prep services on site. Doing this can be as simple as providing computer access for customers or as involved as hiring and training tax coaches to assist customers.

Helping Others
How easy is it to develop a free tax preparation program on site?
Understanding what free tax preparation is and promoting it are great first steps. However, you may want to expand your outreach to include providing free in-person tax prep services on site. Doing this can be as simple as providing computer access for customers or as involved as hiring and training tax coaches to assist customers.
Free Tax Preparation Services & Resources
People with Disabilities
Free tax preparation introduces financial education to the disability community to help individuals build a more stable financial future.
Job Seekers
Free tax preparation expands services in organizations who help job seekers in an easy and cost-effective way.
National Disability Institute works to improve the financial health and wellness of people across the spectrum of disability.
If you have questions or want more information about our projects, please call (202) 296-2040 or email